August 6, 2021

From the Director 2020

By: Pam Korgan
Letter from the Director

I am awed by the exciting potential that this, the year of vision holds! If 20/20 eyesight brings clarity, we can expect the year 2020 will be an opportunity for clarity in SYNC’s vision! We have been presented with countless opportunities to serve our community in the name of Christ. Our job now is to prayerfully consider where, whom and how God has called us and equipped us to serve.

Our great God has been faithful in the past; we can fully trust him to be faithful in the future!!! Though we live in a dark world, as God’s daughters, we have no fear of the future. Why? Because FEAR is False Events Appearing Real. And FAITH is the opposite – “The reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.” Heb 11:1 We are instructed to “Run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Heb 12:1-2

We must carefully consider the season. One does not plant seeds in the snow or attempt to harvest in spring. God has been preparing our soil through receiving his word – a lamp to show us step by step our calling and our purpose. Just as our hearts are filled with gratitude, giving thanks in all things, they are also broken by the consequences of evil in the world.

This past year SYNC women prayed, cooked and served food, sewed for hours, worked during summer’s heat and winter’s chill at the food pantry, quilted, made baskets , crafts and slime, made calls, prayed, took photos, spent hours on the website and database, sold tickets, prayed, and prayed some more! There were many gifts given, late nights spent, and hours served noticed only by God himself – ALL to the glory of our risen King!

SYNC is unusual as measured in today’s times. There is no membership or dues. There are no accolades for a job well done. There is no goal for growth or monetary increase. In God’s economy, none of these are necessary. SYNC exists solely to connect women, and serve in the name of Christ seeking to live out faith in action.

As we look forward to all this new year holds, may we stay focused on the beautiful simplicity of the Gospel. God came in the flesh to rescue sinners – “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we might be called children of God!” I John 3:1

Overflowing with love and joy!

Pam Korgan
