Nifty Needles August Update

sewing supplies
Pam Korgan
August 10, 2021

Dear Girls, Just a reminder we are meeting the 26th of August 1-3 here at my home . Bring all your Christmas gift ideas. Time is rolling by fast and time to get at the holiday sewing.  I did 2 lap quilt tops today and hope to get the backs on tomorrow. This time of the year the supplies at both Children’s Cabinet and Crisis Pregnancy Center are low. I did deliver all we tied last month. Maybe we can break our record this month?  I received the bio today of the new lady we are sponsoring. She has had 7 children and is anxious to learn how to build her business and better her family’s circumstances. We know what village she lives in. I am sure you will be pleased with our investment in her future. A full share is $36 but would like at least $1 from each of you to keep me from being a liar. I told “Dress A Girl” our whole group are the sponsors. Please don’t feel you need to do a full share we are covered. If we over subscribe will send any overage as a donation for our lady.

If I have forgotten anyone you know about send this on.
Blessings, pat